Flying Emu
Map List
The ultimate listing/sighting management software for birders, now covering the
whole world!
Map List
Free Download Center | Map List Purchase Information

The free demo of Map List (for Windows 95/98) has...
- Clickable, expandable taxonomic
tree for quick and easy look up
- Clickable, zoomable map of
the United States and Canada
- Optional clickable, zoomable
map of the world
- 750 (and counting) seasonal
bird checklists from North America presented on the map with colored
symbols to show abundance during each season
- Export function to write
checklists to text files
- Complete and actually helpful
help system
The licensed version of Map List gives you all of the above plus
the following:
- Record and save your
sightings by pointing and clicking on the map
- A blank file with over 900
bird species seen north of Mexico ready for your sightings
- Another blank file with over
10,000 bird species and a world
map so you can record any bird, anywhere
- Import your own custom
checklists for anywhere in the world
- Create your own taxonomic
tree to record butterflies, mammals, etc.
- Enter your sightings once
into the database and create every list your heart desires - life list,
state lists, county lists, state-in-year lists, month lists, day lists,
country lists, continent lists, lists with just a particular order or
family of birds... and it is all extremely

Links to web-published checklists
| Other great birding links
| Bird photo gallery
List | Flying Emu Home | BBA List
Flying Emu Software of
Moraga, California is dedicated to providing high quality, powerful,
easy-to-use software and using the power of the Internet to expand our
knowledge of bird distribution and abundance. If you know of a
web-published checklist with seasonal abundance,
please send its URL to Checklist data is available for everyone to use for free through
the Map List database and
the Flying Emu checklist page.